
Media Enquiries

Media can contact Rita Koutsodimos, Executive Director
Mobile: 604 989 4546

$1.5M Investment Inspires More People to Get Moving in B.C.

June 25, 2024 BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL), in partnership with Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council (I·SPARC) and the Ministry of Health, is excited to announce 39 communties across the province have been funded to lead local active living projects as the first recipients of the Active Communities Grant Program. The generous $1.5 million investment from the province provides resources to Indigenous and local governments to create or expand accessible...Read More >

Active Transportation Highlighted in the News

March 5, 2024 The Community Active Transportation Engagement (CATE) Grant Program provides funding to promote the use of recently built active transportation infrastructure by addressing behavioural, or individual level, barriers. We at the BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL) are excited to see these projects funded by the CATE Grant making a difference in communities across the province. One of these projects is the Town of Sidney's active transportation engagement initiative, which addresses...Read More >

Investing in Healthy People for a Healthier BC: Province Announces $4M in Funding to Create More Affordable Physical Activities to Get More People Moving

October 5, 2023 BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL) applauds the Ministry of Health’s $4 million investment in physical activity. Through this funding, more communities will have access to inclusive physical activity opportunities which will make a significant contribution towards improving the health and well-being of people across British Columbia. Physical activity has been recognized as one of the most effective ways to decrease the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, hypertension,...Read More >

Health Leaders Welcome Investments in School Food Programs, Poverty Reduction and Active Transportation in 2023 Budget

February 28, 2023 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Vancouver, B.C., February 28, 2023 –The BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL) commends the government for investments in school food programs, active transportation and increases to income and disability assistance rates. “Over the past few years, we have been increasingly worried about the deteriorating health of low-income British Columbians due to the compounding pressures brought on by the pandemic and inflation,” said Christopher Lam, Chair, BC Alliance...Read More >

A glass of red wine is on its side, spilling the wine out on a white table top.

Op-ed: Do you know how risky your drink is?

February 9, 2023 Note: this piece was first published in The Tyee, Castanet and The Province. Sometimes it’s a couple of pints of beer after work with friends, sometimes it’s a margarita to go with your tacos. Sometimes it’s an actor’s cocktail of choice that goes viral the world over.   However you may encounter it, alcohol is so commonplace that few realize how harmful it can be, and most don’t know where...Read More >

Foods Served in Schools Should Support Learning Instead of Fundraising at the Expense of Children’s Health

Foods Served in Schools Should Support Learning Instead of Fundraising at the Expense of Children’s Health

April 11, 2022 Summary The 2022 B.C. School Food Guidelines is a voluntary system that supports healthy food environments in schools.The proposed B.C. School Food Guidelines only affects food sold or served to students and does not affect bagged lunches brought from home.57% of youth are not eating enough fruits and vegetables.30% of youth eat processed snack foods five days a week.15% of youth consume sugary drinks daily. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Vancouver, B.C.,...Read More >

COVID-19 has Created a Mental Health Crisis BC Experts say: ‘Move More Often to Improve Physical AND Mental Health’

COVID-19 has Created a Mental Health Crisis. BC Experts say: ‘Move More Often to Improve Physical AND Mental Health’

August 26, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Vancouver (August 30, 2021) Members of the BC Physical Activity for Health Collaborative (the Collaborative) are sounding the alarm about the mental health crisis across the province. While the pandemic has amplified demand for accessible mental health resources, the Collaborative stresses physical activity as a complementary tool to combat declining mental health. “We’re looking at the research and are very concerned about the increase in stress, anxiety...Read More >

Budget 2021/22 Responds to Acute Health Needs of British Columbians but Ignores Other Prevention Measures

April 21, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 20, 2021 Vancouver, BC:  Advocates for healthy living and chronic disease prevention are relieved to see BC Budget 2021 investments in poverty reduction and mental health – which were at an acute state for far too long and clearly highlighted by the pandemic. “The BC Alliance for Healthy Living has been calling for an increase to Income and Disability Assistance rates for over a decade because...Read More >

BC’s Health Organisations Cheer for New Taxes in BC Budget 2020 to Protect Youth Health

February 19, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Vancouver, BC, February 19, 2020: The introduction of new taxes on vaping products and sugary drinks in BC Budget 2020 is being applauded by leaders of BC’s health organizations that see them as effective measures for protecting youth health. (more…)

#PinkShirtDay2019: a time to reflect on how we treat those living in poverty

February 28, 2019 On #PinkShirtDay2019, BCAHL’s Op-Ed piece on Basic Income was published in the Vancouver Sun.  It’s fitting that it was printed on a day dedicated to kindness and awareness around the stigmatization of bullying as those who live in poverty face many levels of stigmatization – from institutional to individual. (more…)